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Indian Financial Systems Code (Bank Branch Codes)
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List your Service and make it available to the worldReal-Time Precious Metal Rates & Currency Conversion API in over 150+ world currencies JSON API.
Real-time option chains data of tickers. For every option contract in the output, you will get the contract identifier, strike price, last traded price, bid and ask prices, trading volume, open interest and more in JSON - all with real-time updates.
ETF holdings, fundamentals and returns data. ETF Holdings API by Finnworlds provides ETF holding allocation data, NAVs, fundamentals and periodical returns in JSON. Latest and historical data available.
Historical EOD stock price data. Finnworlds Historical OHLC API provides daily historical OHLC values with adjusted close rates and trade volume data for stocks worldwide.
Real-time and historical commodity price, price change and prediction data. Commodity Price API by Commoditic provides real-time price, daily/weekly/monthly/annual price change, price prediction data and historical EOD price data for commodities traded worldwide.
Company identifiers, codes and fundamental data. Company Information and Identification API is JSON of all stock and company code and identifiers + fundamentals like key employees, address, dates, exchanges and ‘about’.
Validate VAT numbers and calculate VAT rates
Insider trading data, earnings call analysis, financial statements, and more
Realtime and historical stock data
Real-Time, Intraday & Historical Market Data API
All Banco do Brasil financial transaction APIs
Realtime and historical stock data
Realtime & Historical Stock and Market Data
Spreadbetting and CFD Market Data
A wide selection of financial data feeds
Connect to bank accounts using official bank APIs and get raw transaction data
Connect with users’ bank accounts and access transaction data
Historical stock market data
Websocket API to access realtime stock data
Realtime and historical stock data and current stock sentiment
US equity/option market data (delayed, intraday, historical)
Stock market data (real-time & historical)
Budgeting & Planning