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Use your APIs, Logical Components, Microservices, Systems to make money for you at 0% Commission.

Every line of code that you write is crucial.

You can build apps on Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and OpenAI GPT-3 & Codex. We support all.

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API's are ok. But What are Logical Components? 🤷‍♂️

  • Set of Functions, Classes, which follows the single-responsibility principle that can easily integrate with any tech stack, is a Logical Components.
  • Logical Components splits your backend system into independent, reusable pieces that can run in isolation without interrupting any other part of the system.
  • A well-written piece of code that follows strict security & best practices guidelines. You can start using it without any hassle.
  • Eg:
  • You can take code from GitHub/Internet but still, you need to tweak a lot and check for test cases, security and coding standards, built by unknown developers and may not be well maintained/upgraded.
  • With Json API App hand-picked components, integrations will take less than an hour.

How it'll work for you? 👀

  • Build best-in-class APIs that solves a real-world problem. We will help you with SDK's to achieve that. 1-on-1 interactions if you face any issues.
  • or, Create a best-in-class Logical Component with test cases and comments that can save developers time using it directly rather than building on their own.
  • Submit your work on JSON API APP for review.
  • Once approved, you need to price your work. The price that you want to charge with your potential customer.
  • We will host everything for you. 99% uptime SLA.
  • You will get 100% of what you ask for, no commissions, no BS.

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Commonly Asked Questions that every developer want to know

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